This blog is dedicated to the life and times of an extraordinary dog named Guinness.
All of you who knew Guinness know that I've always told him he has Puppy Powers. Despite losing his right hind leg to bone cancer (osteosarcoma) early this year, Guinness continued to be his same good-natured, food-loving, gentle, yet silly self right to the end. It was during this time his Puppy Powers turned into Pirate Puppy Powers!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The skinny

More news to share, a bit over due! Last Monday, a week ago today, the girls and I headed out to Guinness's new oncologist. As usual he was very excited about getting in the car, but once we got there and he realized it was another one of those places he's been frequenting, he was a bit hesitant to go inside, and I can't say I blame him. But, also as usual he was all tail wags and happy to greet everyone, despite his hesitancy.

After checking in and going to our patient room, the doctor came in a checked over his history and we discussed everything that has happened between May and now. He gave Guinness a physical exam and gave him thumbs up, and then ran another blood panel to see if he was ready to proceed with treatment and we waited a few minutes for the results.

Apparently his white blood cell count was elevated a bit more and his red blood cell count was down a bit more, most likely due to reducing his prednisone doesage, which means his body is still in the hyper alert, autoimmune response to the Carboplatin. So, the decision was made to give him a bit more time to recover from the reaction to it.

At this point we have another appointment on August 10th for a recheck, and he gave us a tentative time slot to administer the iv treatment at that time. Fingers crossed he's strong enough for it then.

Until then, he's been doing very well, not much to report. I left for a trip to Colorado (where I met several of Guinness's champions, some of whom I met in person for the first time, you know who you are and thank you for all the love!) and upon my return Guinness seemed just as happy and alert as when I left. I got the traditional wookie greeting with present (this time his kong toy) and I have been slathering him with hugs since my return.

I'll continue to update here and there between now and the next appointment if and when there is something to report (hopefully all good)....but expect a full report after the appointment in two weeks, August 10th in the afternoon.

Ciao for now, thanks again for all the support everyone, I really feel like I have a huge team behind me at all times.



  1. I'm glad to hear he's still doing well, Shannon. :)

  2. I love the update. I'm glad to hear he's doing well. My short legged pirate pup is whining...I don't think it's about Guiness though...I'm pretty sure he wants to lick the paper plate that had some Finnish Meatballs on it.
