This blog is dedicated to the life and times of an extraordinary dog named Guinness.
All of you who knew Guinness know that I've always told him he has Puppy Powers. Despite losing his right hind leg to bone cancer (osteosarcoma) early this year, Guinness continued to be his same good-natured, food-loving, gentle, yet silly self right to the end. It was during this time his Puppy Powers turned into Pirate Puppy Powers!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

News to come!

This is a bulletin for an upcoming bulletin! (Argh!)

Very quickly, as it is getting late and my eyes are not focusing, I at least want to say that Guinness had his second treatment on Monday. All is well so far and no side effects at this point. I was told by the doctor who heads up the study that Guinness is doing remarkably well. So great to hear!

I will post more tomorrow, but for now I wanted to get that out there since I'm starting to get emails asking how he is! I appologize for the delay, and I promise to update fully.

Also, as you may (or may not) have noticed, I still haven't made this blog by invitation only, a few things happened that has made me question my decision, so for now we'll remain as usual and you can check this blog at your leisure! I will let you know if that changes.

Stay tuned tomorrow for a full report!

(Photo: Me interrupting Guinness watching the Food Channel with Jaina. Sorry Guinness, I know that's serious business!)