In a nutshell, Guinness had more xrays done and his chest is still clear (yay for that!), so they put him in the study. They also, incidentally, found a foreign object in his stomach. They showed me the xray and while they couldn't conclusively say, I have a sneaking suspicion, based on it's size and shape, that it is a missing stuffed animal eyeball. Now I have to watch for it to make sure it passes without getting stuck...what am I looking for? Dog poop that is looking back at me. Fun times! Very reminiscent of the time we were watching for dog poop with birthday candles in it.
In the meantime, just before they were going to administer the chemo, I got a call while we were at COSI (J was having a blast), that his one pain med, given to him the night before, was concerning them. They were afraid that the possibility of him becoming nauseated would greatly increase, and I think it would also be adding a factor into their study that they didn't want there, as they are studying the effects of the combo of the two chemo drugs and how dogs handle it. So, we had to hold off and reschedule for Thursday. So, tomorrow we will be returning to Columbus.
In the world of Guinness himself, he is already getting so strong in his one leg that I can now assist him up steps without his harness, he just waits for me to put my one hand on his back, and the other sort of under his bum by tucking his tail under, and I think he THINKS I'm helping him. Yesterday he was able to jump up in excitement when he saw a little dog at the clinic, he literally had both front paws up and was balancing on his one back leg. And, as usual, he dragged ME into the clinic, he is still as strong as he was when he had four legs. So that was really encouraging.
I'll update more as things happen, but for now, as promised, here is the video and some new photos. (Image above is a drawing by our daughter, age 8).
Relaxing on the deck . . . but what is this I see?
. . . must . . . get . . . tractor mower . . .
Getting the tractor mower!
Aww, that video is great! :)