This blog is dedicated to the life and times of an extraordinary dog named Guinness.
All of you who knew Guinness know that I've always told him he has Puppy Powers. Despite losing his right hind leg to bone cancer (osteosarcoma) early this year, Guinness continued to be his same good-natured, food-loving, gentle, yet silly self right to the end. It was during this time his Puppy Powers turned into Pirate Puppy Powers!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Shannon's sister!

Hi Pirate Pup followers/supporters.

I'm going to run a race or walk a race with my boys to show support for Guinness. In conjunction with the race I'm asking for donations for Shannon to help offset the large debt that the treatment and surgery has cost Shannon and her family.
I know times are tough right now, and I totally understand that most of us are not in a position to make a donation! We totally understand. I thought I'd put it out there and see what happens.

Stay tuned to see what race I run. I will be wearing a home made tee shirt for the race in support of the pirate pup. Of course I'll make Shannon design it.

Thanks so much everyone in advance for the love and support you've been giving Shannon. I know she appreciates it and needs it right now! :)
Love you all


  1. A huge thank you and a hug to Adrienne, my sister, for her idea of running for Guinness. She approached me recently about doing this. Please know that she is just putting this out there, but no one is expected to to anything, and there is no pressure what so ever. If you are interested, I have added a permanent link on the side bar for more information. Thank you for supporting Guinness by reading this blog and for keeping him in your thoughts.

  2. I'm speechless. What an amazing thing to do, Adrienne. Keep me posted on this, please? I can't really afford to contribute anything right now, but perhaps later I can, so I'd like to stay in the loop on this, okay?
